Yamaha fzs v2.0 and suzuki gixer are the two most trending bikes in Nepali streets right now.Both, have been able to occupy good positions in terms of popularity. So, today we will compare them in terms of look, design and performance.

Looks and design
Since the suzuki gixer design and looks have been influenced from the yamaha fzs itself, both of them have a common design and looks. The silencer is the main attraction in the suzuki gixer but yamaha fzs has a bulky look due to its fuel tank which rises bit more than the gixer. In conclusion, yamaha fzs edges suzuki gixer very sligthly.
Both, the bikes are rich in technology.The display cluster of both bikes have similar features. Suzuki gixer has better display as it consists of the clock and it also displays the current gear position which makes them better.
Talking about the technology, Fzs have used the Fuel injected technology in its blue core engine with sensors which is better than gixer.They also have the eco meter which indicates the economy mode driving and they have also included a sensor which stops the engine within 3 seconds after you bike falls or crashes down.So in this context too Yamaha uses the better technology than gixer.
Yamaha Fzs is 149 cc bike whereas the Suzuki gixer is 154 cc bike. In comparison to the pick up, Suzuki gixer has the better pick up than the Fzs but the difference is not very big.The power and the torque of gixer is also slightly higher than that of Fzs.
Yamaha Fzs has the slightly better mileage than the gixer as they use fuel injection technology. The difference is not that higher which is around 5km/l.
Driving and Riding comfort
Yamaha Fzs edges out Suzuki gixer slightly in driving comfort. Fzs has the flat tyres whereas the tyres are rounded a bit in gixer which makes Fzs a bit smoother and safe during rainy days.
Yamaha fzs is much better in riding comfort espcially in he pillon seat.If you prefer long drive often with someone in the pilon seat, you should definetly go for the Yamaha Fzs. The pillion seat of the Suzuki gixer is the main setback for the bike in comaparision to the Fzs.
Intrumental cluster and Engine
Both of the bikes have good instrumental cluster but yamaha fzs have a slight better cluster than that of Suzuki gixer. Reagrding the engine it will be wait and watch for both since gixer has not spent so much time on road to evaluate the engine whereas Yamaha has introduced new bluecore Fi engine which has also not spent much time in the road.Looking back to previous models, both yamaha and suzuki gixer has been highly rated for its engine and its performance in previous days.
So if you are in the doubt which one to choose from Yamaha Fzs and the Suzuki gixer, it depends upon your priority. These two bikes have many aspects common which have not been included in this comparision. If you look for better performance in riding, go for the Suzuki gixer, if you prefer smooth and dual comfort riding go for yamaha Fzs.